Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc is a UK listed closed-ended investment trust. It is uniquely focused on infrastructure and utilities in emerging markets which are benefitting from structural growth drivers accelerated by global infrastructure megatrends, delivering attractive long-term total returns.

Our benchmark agnostic, bottom-up investment approach incorporating ESG considerations means we focus investing in listed operational, cash generative assets that often pay a dividend, enabling UEM to deliver a diversified investment opportunity, providing attractive long-term investment returns.

Company Overview

Utilico Emerging Markets company overview

Company Overview

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Our Story

The idea for Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc (formerly Utilico Emerging Markets Utilities Limited) arose after Charles Jillings met with investors at JO Hambro’s London offices in 2004.

Charles recognised that there was a significant level of interest and enthusiasm for the existing emerging markets investments within Utilico Investment Trust plc’s (UIT) portfolio and the attributes these investments offered investors. This posed the question: ‘Why not set up a fund entirely focused on emerging markets?’

Within months the decision was made to reverse into UEM a number of infrastructure and utilities investments from UIT’s portfolio, amounting to c.£22.5m in value, with UIT retaining a 30% holding. A Board was assembled, ably led by Alexander Zagoreos as Chairman.

UEM subsequently listed on the London Stock Exchange in July 2005, raising £52.5m in its initial offering from leading wealth managers in London and Edinburgh, many of whom continue to be investors today.

While trends and drivers have evolved over the years, the core attributes that the fund was built on – utilities and infrastructure assets in emerging markets – remain central to UEM’s investment approach.


A closed-end investment fund focused on a highly specialised asset class

Why Invest Why Invest


Benchmark agnostic, differentiated investment portfolio 

Portfolio Portfolio


An experienced, dedicated and active management team with a successful long-term track record 

Our People Our People

A Diversified Portfolio

UEM Portfolio as at 31 October 2023


Social Infra



Energy Growth and Transition



Digital Infra



Global Trade



Experienced Management

The portfolio is managed by an experienced, dedicated and active investment team, which has a strong long-term track record of investing successfully in this highly specialised asset class.

Our People

Our Awards

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3 year rating out of 3,016 Global Emerging Markets Equity funds as of 28 February 2025.