Utilico Emerging Markets Trust plc
1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting
convened by the above Notice is entitled to appoint one
or more proxies to exercise all or any of the rights of the
member to attend, speak and vote in his/her place. A
proxy need not be a member of the Company. If a member
appoints more than one proxy to attend the meeting, each
proxy must be appointed to exercise the rights attached to
a different share or shares held by the member.
2. To appoint a proxy, you may use the form of proxy enclosed
with this annual report. To be valid, the form of proxy,
together with the power of attorney or other authority (if
any) under which it is signed or a notarial certified or office
copy of the same, must be completed and returned to the
office of the Company’s registrar in accordance with the
instructions printed thereon as soon as possible and in
any event by not later than 10:30 a.m. on 13 September
2024. Amended instructions must also be received by
the Company’s registrar by the deadline for receipt of
forms of proxy. Alternatively, you can vote or appoint a
proxy electronically by visiting www.investorcentre.co.uk/
eproxy. You will be asked to enter the Control Number, the
Shareholder Reference Number and PIN which are printed
on the form of proxy. The latest time for the submission of
proxy votes electronically is 10:00 a.m. on 13 September
2024. To appoint more than one proxy, an additional proxy
form(s) may be obtained by contacting the Registrar’s
helpline on +44 (0370) 707 1375 or you may photocopy
the form of proxy. Please indicate in the box next to the
proxy holder’s name the number of shares in relation to
which they are authorised to act as your proxy. Please
also indicate by marking the box provided if the proxy
instruction is one of multiple instructions being given. All
forms of proxy must be signed and should be returned
together in the same envelope.
3. Completion and return of the form of proxy will not prevent
you from attending the meeting and voting in person. If you
have appointed a proxy and attend the meeting in person,
your proxy appointment will be automatically terminated.
4. Any person receiving a copy of this Notice as a person
nominated by a member to enjoy information rights under
section 146 of the Companies Act 2006 (a “Nominated
Person”) should note that the provisions in Notes 1 and 2
above concerning the appointment of a proxy or proxies to
attend the meeting in place of a member, do not apply to a
Nominated Person as only ordinary shareholders have the
right to appoint a proxy. However, a Nominated Person may
have a right under an agreement between the Nominated
Person and the member by whom he or she was nominated
to be appointed, or to have someone else appointed, as
proxy for the meeting. If a Nominated Person has no such
proxy appointment right or does not wish to exercise it,
he/she may have a right under such agreement to give
instructions to the member as to the exercise of voting
rights at the meeting.
5. Nominated Persons should also remember that their
main point of contact in terms of their investment in
the Company remains the member who nominated the
Nominated Person to enjoy the information rights (or
perhaps the custodian or broker who administers the
investment on their behalf). Nominated Persons should
continue to contact that member, custodian or broker (and
not the Company) regarding any changes or queries relating
to the Nominated Person’s personal details and interest in
the Company (including any administrative matter). The only
exception to this is where the Company expressly requests
a response from the Nominated Person.
6. Pursuant to Regulation 41 (1) of The Uncertificated
Securities Regulations 2001 and for the purposes of
section 360B of the Companies Act 2006, the Company has
specified that only shareholders registered on the register
of members of the Company by not later than 6.00 p.m.
two days prior to the time fixed for the meeting shall be
entitled to attend and vote at the meeting in respect of the
number of the ordinary shares registered in their name at
such time. If the meeting is adjourned, the time by which a
person must be entered on the register of members of the
Company in order to have the right to attend and vote at the
adjourned meeting is 6.00 p.m. two days prior to the time
of adjournment. Changes to the register of members after
the relevant times shall be disregarded in determining the
rights of any person to attend and vote at the meeting.
7. In the case of joint holders, the vote of the senior holder
who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall
be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other joint
holders and, for this purpose, seniority will be determined
by the order in which the names stand in the register of
members of the Company in respect of the relevant joint
8. Shareholders who hold their shares electronically may
submit their votes through CREST, by submitting the
appropriate and authenticated CREST message so as to
be received by the Company’s registrar not later than
10:00 a.m. on 13 September 2024. Instructions on how to
vote through CREST can be found by accessing the CREST
manual via www.euroclear.com. Shareholders are advised
that CREST and the internet are the only methods by which
completed proxies can be submitted electronically.
9. If you are a CREST system user (including a CREST personal
member) you can appoint one or more proxies or give
an instruction to a proxy by having an appropriate CREST
message transmitted. To appoint one or more proxies
or to give an instruction to a proxy (whether previously
appointed or otherwise) via the CREST system, CREST
messages must be received by Computershare (ID number
3RA50) not later than 10:30 a.m. on 13 September 2024.
For this purpose, the time of receipt will be taken to be
the time (as determined by the timestamp generated by
the CREST system) from which Computershare is able to
retrieve the message. CREST personal members or other
CREST sponsored members should contact their CREST
sponsor for assistance with appointing proxies via CREST.
For further information on CREST procedures, limitations
and system timings please refer to the CREST manual. The
Company may treat as invalid a proxy appointment sent by
CREST in the circumstances set out in Regulation 35(5)(a) of
The Uncertificated Securities Regulations 2001.
Notice of Annual General Meeting (continued)